Thursday, 31 May 2012

Going for Gold

It is thought that for reasons entirely unconnected with Lammergeiers, Vladimir Putin has decided that he will not be attending the Olympic Games, this summer.
I cannot say I blame him. Some of our competitors have been described as being either fat or ugly and to a man of his delicate sensibilities, I fear that it would be too much for him.
We now learn that the price of a beer in the stadiums, will be £7.23, a simple cup of tea, presumably in a plastic cup, will set you back £2.. Furthermore; If you try to circumvent these exorbitant charges by bringing your own drinks, then they will have the impertinence to confiscate your property.
Most of the Russians that I meet nowadays are billionaires, who wouldn't notice what to them would be trifling sums. But I fancy that like Vladimir, they will not be coming. They would rather spend their money on football teams and yachts.
Vladimir, is rich and powerful enough to organise his own games, with prisoners from the gulags, at his secret palace on the shores of the Black Sea. It might be quite fun to watch dissident writers and artists puffing their way round the 4 X 400 metre relay race. So if I hear of any more gloom and despondency about Boris's festival of games, then I shall take up his invitation.

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