Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Laughing all the way to the offshore bank.

Poor Jimmy Carr. It is symptomatic of the profligate times that we live in, that he is being pilloried for trying to save some money for his old age. Out of 1,000 people who have used a Jersey based tax avoidance scheme, he seems to be the only one who has been named and shamed. Thank goodness that I remain largely anonymous and that the papers don't know where I keep my money!
I hadn't realised being a television comedian could be so profitable. £3,300,000 is the figure he is alleged to stashed away.That's 50% more than a Clegg and nearly 3/4 of a Cameron! I shall have to view his tv appearances in a new light after today. Perhaps he would have been left alone if he had invested some of his money in one of Georgie Osborne's exiting new infrastructure bonds.
 But if a man who is involved in tv can manage to save so much money in such a relatively short period of time, then he must be the ideal candidate for the vacancy of Director General of the BBC. I shall await his appointment with interest!

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